explosion time

美 [ɪkˈsploʊʒn taɪm]英 [ɪkˈspləʊʒn taɪm]
  • 网络爆炸时间
explosion timeexplosion time
  1. If I haven 't much knowledge in this knowledge explosion time , I will be a useless man .


  2. High-tech fast take us into a new era - information society . Information society is a knowledge explosion time .


  3. Frequency analysis is also presented and compared with the threshold method and energy comparing method in view of the optimum explosion time .


  4. In this article , author has made a further study of the properties of such process , which depends strongly on the construction of the process after the first explosion time .


  5. The flash intensity is one of the important index of all kinds of bombs during the explosion time , it has great significance for measuring the flash intensity .


  6. A target vulnerability model is established which includes target geometry model , reflection and diffraction of blast and failure criteria of target . A fuse startup model is introduced which includes wireless fuse model and a model for optimal explosion time .


  7. Study on thermal explosion delay time of NiAl ( Fe ) system


  8. The Cambrian explosion was a time of massive evolutionary change on the planet .


  9. But combustible gas explosion occur from time to time in the mining , transportation , storage , process and using process , especially mine gas explosion , which always lead to big property losses and casualties .


  10. Yet another explosion , this time a roadside bombing , went off in Baghdad 's Karrada district , apparently aimed at the convoy of Iraq 's central bank governor .


  11. For a variety of reasons , all types of accidents of leakage , fire and explosion have occurred from time to time .


  12. A remarkable result of TaiWan 's national health insurance has been achieves since 1995 . However , TaiWan health insurance is facing a serious financial problem which has caused the ( explosion ) of 3 time 's financial crisis .


  13. The effects of the relative density of mixture , the content of Al particle , the size of Al particle , the heating rate , the content of dilution Fe on the thermal explosion point temperature and the thermal explosion delay time are analyzed .


  14. According to the characteristics of ignition and explosion signals , a system for detecting the artillerys explosion time based on self-adaptive threshold is developed .


  15. The techniques of collection , extraction and measurement of radionuclide 37 Ar in the gas venting from an underground nuclear explosion are described . The responses of venting rate as explosion time or distance are specifically studied .


  16. In the field of physics test of explosion , it is often been adopted to measure the parameters of explosion real-time , such as explosion speed , explosion effect time and explosion temperature and so on .


  17. Gas explosion at home and abroad in the prevention and control research has had great results , but involves the three elements in the gas explosion at the same time , the studies of the new technologies under the control of coal mine gas explosion was small .


  18. On the basic about strong explosions about clavulanate potassium mix dust , explosion suppression experimental research were conducted , selection calcium carbonate as inhibitors , pressure attenuation effect have been studied about clavulanate potassium mix dust explosion at different injection time .
